Opportunites to Earn Online
I recently came upon a website that have the opportunity to earn extra money online. One is for signing up for offers while another is a possibility for those who love to blog.

Cash Crate is a place where you can sign up for free and paid offers to earn money. Many offers are for filling out surveys or signing up to be a member of a website. After the advertisers inform Cash Crate- money is entered into your account. Surveys earn you around $0.40-$1.00 each on average. Unfortunately with some surveys you may not be the correct candidate. This can become irritating as you do have to take time and answer some questions. If they feel you aren't right for the survey, you don't get paid for that time. Cash Crate also offers a daily survey that changes every 24 hours. If the survey fits you, you earn $0.80. Some sign ups do cost money and require a credit card but the payout is greater. The average is around $1.00-$14.00 with a fee of around $2.00-$5.00 to sign up.
Unfortunately not every offer you sign up for pays quickly. I've had 5 offers still pending for more then 2 weeks now. I contacted regarding this matter and was only told that if the advertisers didn't inform that you signed up- you wouldn't be able to be paid for them. I have a feeling that I won't be seeing any earnings from those offers. In the past the minimum payout was only $5.00 but now has been changed to $10.00. If you have earned the minimum, you will be paid the next month. They have a referral program that earns you 20% of what you're referrals earn and then 10% of what that person's referrals earn. Currently you are paid via a mailed check. They don't allow members to be paid via paypal anymore. I can happily say I was paid by Cash Crate.
It's free to join and allows others from other countries other than America to join. You simply need a user name, password, your address for payment and need to activate your account. This may be a good way to earn some extra money on the side but be careful you aren't flooded with spam from signing up. I say it's worth taking a few moments to check it out- http://www.cashcrate.com