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Make Money Online

Written By Father of Three on Tuesday, May 13, 2008 | 6:07 AM

The Secrets To Making Money Online

It doesn’t take a large amount of skill to make money online these days, just a great deal of dedication and determination. The process of setting up a site and signing up for Google’s Adsense or any affiliate program is something that can be done by almost anyone with access to a computer and an Internet connection.

But the defining line demarcating the money-makers and the also-rans is drawn by a chalk made of work, work and more work. You have to be a plodder, you have to click on link after link if that’s what it takes to make you money, and you have to sign up for as many programs as you can juggle and keep track of if you wish to make a decent amount each month.

The secrets to making money online are not really secret – anyone with the will to succeed can make a success of it. Here are a few pointers that will help you earn extra income online:

  • It may be part time and it may not earn you much money, but if you are serious about your online income, you must spend a few hours each day on your blog and relevant promotional activities. Nothing ventured, nothing gained should be your motto. You cannot just hope to rake in the dollars by stopping by your blog once every couple of days.

  • Keep track of your earnings from all the multiple activities you’ve signed up for. Advertisements, affiliate programs and the like work only when you make sure you’re getting the money you’re owed from doing promotional work for those who display ads on your site.

  • If you’re into selling products or services online, make sure you keep your promises and follow ethical practices.

  • If you have your own blog, you probably started it as a means to air your opinions or state your views. Making money out of the process happened as an afterthought. Don’t get greedy and focus on making money alone by filling your blog with just affiliate links and advertisements or you may end up losing your audience in a short span of time. Remember, your readers are there for what you write, they are the ones who help you earn money online, so don’t alienate them with a lot of clutter on your blog.

  • Don’t believe the hype that you can become a millionaire with what you earn online. At best, it’s a part-time job that offers part-time earnings. For stay-at-home moms or housewives, it’s a way to supplement your regular income with easy spending money. Making serious money online is possible only when you pursue the option as a full-time business, and even then, it takes time to establish yourself as a pro before you actually see the results.

  • Do not engage in illegal activities in the hope of making a fast buck. Don’t grab on to promotion offers that pay more without doing a routine check into the kind of products or services you’re endorsing.


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