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Save Money from Pesticides

Written By Father of Three on Monday, August 20, 2007 | 7:42 AM

Stop buying insecticides

After all the hard work, time and attention you put into you rose gardens, the last thing you want is to loose them due to fungus and disease.

Proper planting, feeding, watering and sunlight are not enough. In order to keep your roses healthy, you must treat them properly to avoid getting diseases and infestations of mite and insects.

Disease control is an important part of maintaining beautiful and healthy roses. You will have to contend with black spot and powdery mildew on their roses almost every year.

Regular fungicide applications are needed to control both of these

diseases. These treatments should also control Botrytis blight and other foliage diseases. You will also have to contend with mites and insects. Regular treatments of a pesticide are needed when mites and insects are present.

Spray weekly with a fungicide to control powdery mildew and black spot. To rid
your roses of insects, use a systemic rose care product. When spraying for
insects and disease, be sure to coat the undersides of the leaves, since
many if the diseases and insects that infest roses live there.
To ensure full coverage, spray until the solution drips off the leaves. Six hours of sun a day helps your roses stay healthy.

Morning sun is best because it dries the dew off the leaves, helping to
prevent fungus diseases.Unfortunately, the sun does not help when it comes to mites and insects.

When spraying your plants, thorough coverage is important in controlling rose pests. Apply pesticides only according to label directions and only when pests are present.

Remember to use caution when using pesticides. Do not inhale or spray on skin or in eyes. You best bet is to wear rubber gloves when applying any pesticide.

Proper pest identification is necessary to know which chemical to apply as well as the proper application time. Specific pesticides are suggested for each pest. The pesticides are listed by the common chemical name found in the active ingredient area of the product label.

Look for the appropriate active ingredient on the label and verify that the product can be used on roses. Some pesticide products are ready to use, while others require preparation. Also, some pesticides are harder to find and may require more effort to locate.

Always read and comply with the pesticide label.

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